Flower Still Life with Pocket Watch (Trompe l’oeil), 1964
Raymond Whyte (1923 – 2002)
Known for his trompe l’oeil, still life and portrait paintings, Whyte uses his technique, craftsmanship and color choices to create a mixture of realism and mysticism giving many of his works a dimension of eternity.
Public & High School in New York City; Awarded citywide scholarship to Art Students League, New York City.
Served in US Army Signal Corp and the Royal Canadian Air Force as Navigator.
University of Toronto, 7 years, studying with Kunyoshi, Bouche, Brackman, Dumond, Vytlacil, Barnet. and Edwin Dickinson. at the Students Art League in NYC.
Continued studies in France, England, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, Egypt, Netherlands, etc.
He held 31 solo exhibitions in New York City, San Francisco, Houston, Naples, London & Paris, including the de Saisset Museum of Art and Crocker Art Museum. Also included in shows at Houston Museum; Bridgeport Art Museum; Columbia Museum of Art; Butler Institute; Malcom Forbes Exhibitions; Allied Artists; Audubon Artist; De Beers Museum; Art Students League Diamond Jubilee; Invited American Family Portraits, Commissions for Look Magazine National Academy etc..
Elected as Signature Artist, Miniature Artists of America.
Awarded Academia Italia Gold Medal, New York City TV Channel 7
Miniature Artist of Florida where he has won numerous awards.
De Beers Museum; South Africa; Crocker Art Museu; Mills College; Robert Louis Stevenson School, de Saisset Museum of Art; Malcolm Forbes; J.P. Getty; B. Gerald Cantor; Orson Bean; Vivian Vance; Dr. Gerald B. Kara; Dr Kushner; Prince F. Naryishkin; Princess Brinda; The Maharani of Kapurthala; Austral Oil Co.; R.M. Stewart; Fred Picker; Adolph Aukkor; H. Bulova Henschel; Dr. Carlos Gonzalez; Dr. H. Giancarlo; Countess Taufkirchen; Tom Keating; Dennis Patrick, and others.
Listed In:
Who’s Who in American Art; International Who’s Who in Art and Antiques; Notable Americans of the Bicentennial Era; Who’s Who in the East; Dictionary of International Biographies; Collectors Choice; Colorado Quarterly; American Artists; Special Program on DeChirico and Whyte, hosted by Kevin Sanders. Profile in Whyte, by John Angelini, N.J. Music and Arts.
Information courtesy of Jeffrey Burchard
Biography from the Archives of AskART