Bay and Harbor of New York from Bedlow's Island, ca. 1865
Edmund C. Coates (1816 – 1871)
A landscape, portrait, marine and history painter, Edmund C. Coates lived in New York City during his active period 1837-1872. Brooklyn and New York City directories from those years list him as Edward, Edmund C., E.C. Coates, and E.G. Coates.
His paintings include landscapes of Canada and Italy although it is not known if the artist traveled to those countries or if other works inspired the scenes. He also painted in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and, listed as one of the Hudson River School painters, did numerous Hudson River Valley scenes such as Shipping on the Hudson River, 1855.
His painting titled Washington’s Headquarters at Newburgh, 1867, depicted a popular scene among the Hudson River painters because it was George Washington’s headquarters painted against the backdrop of Storm Mountain near the town of Newburgh.
Collections holding work by Coates include the New York Historical Society, the New York State Historical Association and the Shelburne Museum.
Sources include:
A Century of American Landscapes 1812-1912, Frank S. Schwarz and Son, Philadelphia, 1986
Peter Falk, Who Was Who in American Art
John Howat, The Hudson River and Its Painters
Biography from the Archives of AskART