Floral Still Life, circa 1930
Alexander Warshawsky (1887 – 1945)
Alexander Warshawsky was a painter born in Cleveland, OH on March 29, 1887.
Warshawsky studied at the National Academy of Design. Most of his early career was spent in Paris, France; however, by 1934 he was a resident of Los Angeles. He died there on May 28th, 1945.
He was the brother of artist Abel G. Warshawsky.
His work includes portraits, interiors, and still life’s.
Member: Paris AA. Exh: Calif. Art Club, 1934-37; Painters & Sculptors of LA, 1937; Academy of Western Painters (LA), 1937-38. In: Cleveland Museum; LACMA. AAA 1923-33; WWAA 1936-40; WWC 1943; SCA; FId.